Our AI-generated summary
Our AI-generated summary
The evolution of consumer buying patterns introduces increasing uncertainty in the supply chain.
Retailers are shifting their focus from ‘on-shelf availability’ to ‘on-demand availability’, aiming to provide 100% product availability to fulfill customer orders for delivery in various formats anytime and anywhere. This poses many challenges to the supply chain.
Our AI-generated summary
Our AI-generated summary
To solve these challenges, LTPlabs and GS1 Portugal propose a collaboration program called “OneLabs”. It’s a new collaboration model throughout the supply chain, mediated by external facilitators (LTPlabs and GS1).
This program has three main goals:
- Implement a program that fosters collaborative projects in the supply chain, in order to present sustainable gains for the various stakeholders.
- Support the detection of opportunities and the mitigation of project risk using a simulation methodology that allows anticipating results and obstacles.
- Define the conditions for benefit sharing triggered by collaboration initiatives through joint action by participants and facilitators.
We believe that collaboration between elements in the supply chain can bring benefits in three main areas: cost reduction, process improvement, and innovation in products and services.
So, we designed a consistent and replicable approach for collaborative projects in the supply chain with five steps:
- Choose relevant partners
- Select the right opportunities
- Define the project
- Monitor the project
- Mediation of final negociations
A two-week work plan has been defined, with a pool of initiatives that allows the various stakeholders to maintain an aligned view of the priorities that must be addressed.
The correct estimation and sharing of benefits is mediated by one of the facilitators through the analytical simulation of scenarios.
During all the time, LTPlabs and GS1 will be the facilitators in guaranteeing the new model of collaboration between partners.
Join us in this partnership to empower your business with analytics. Contact us: onelabs@ltplabs.com